Wednesday, August 23, 2006

3D Improved

Went to see another movie last night. If you are into animation, you will like Monster House. I know, I know you're probably thinking I'm too old to be watching cartoons and you are probably right. However, this one was in digital 3D. 3D has been greatly improved over the years. I've been told that back in the olden days the 3D effect was created by overlaying colors and that you had to wear glasses that had one blue lens and one red lens. Well not anymore. These glasses had kind of a gray lens and were quite fashionable...NOT. I looked like Buddy Holly. At any rate the 3D effect was awesome and I recommend seeing this show if you can find a theater offering it in 3D. The movie had a cute story and was a lot of mindless fun.

Any good movie recommendations?

See you next time.


Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...

I thought the preview for it looked great. I'll have to check on the 3D thing though...not sure if that's happening in PHX.

And as for charging my VEGAS trip...ain't gonna happen :) You'll have to use your own SallyCard

5:39 PM  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

see "Little Miss Sunshine"
a great metaphor for life.

1:16 PM  

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