Well, it's only Wednesday and already I'm whipped...and not in the good way. It's been a rough week. It all started on Monday when one of my employees called in "sick". This employee was already teetering on the edge, but not for the quality of his work. My plan was to convince my boss to let me counsel him in the err of his ways, but as luck would have it she is an EXTREME rule follower and would not hear of it. So, I called this employee into the office and gave him the bad news. Wouldn't you know it, he started bawling. Made me really uncomfortable. I walked him back to his work station to collect his personal belongings, recovered his security badge and keys and was ready to escort him through security to the parking lot. He took me by surprise when he asked me if he could tell everybody goodbye. What was I supposed to do? Normally when a person gets fired they are extremely anxious to get the hell outta Dodge. Before leaving he turned to my boss and gave her, another supervisor and myself a hug and said that he was going to miss us. Is that not weird? Aren't people supposed to be angry when they get fired? Spo, if you read this give me your thoughts. I was totally confused by his actions. Anyway, since his unfortunate departure my department has been absolutely swamped. Did I mention that I have two other employees out on medical leave? I can't wait for the weekend. Hope all is hunky dorey with you all.
I have fired my fair share of people over the years (I'm not proud), but if you can get them to say "thank you" or even better, HUG YOU, you did something right.
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